a glimpse at places to see go taste!

Cliftonville Rocks!!

Toby, 24, lives in Cliftonville and works at The Grain Grocer

Libertines at the Oval 2022

Clifty’ life

Cliftonville: One of Time Out’s Coolest Neighbourhoods in the World 2022

Just a short walk from Margate town centre and seafront is our Cliftonville. Take a wander along Northdown Road to discover galleries, independent shops, bars and cafes rich in character.

From on high to underground, Cliftonville’s richness extends beneath the surface, with the wondrous Shell Grotto, adorned with 4.6million shells, all in astounding patterns. A few streets away, at Margate Caves, you can glimpse the covert life of 19th century aristocrats, who used this old chalk mine cavern as a party palace! Got your curiosity going?Time Out raised a few eyebrows as it ranked Cliftonville as the eighth coolest neighbourhood in the world.

But has this part of Margate really become a trendy hotspot for jet-setters - or is the magazine "glamorising poverty"? Reporter Millie Bowles went to find out...

My first destination is Dalby Café. Just off Northdown Road, it's described by Time Out as having the town's best fry-up, as the A-board outside proudly displays.

It's the place where rocker Pete Doherty famously polished off an enormous breakfast challenge a few years ago.

Grain Grocer

Toby, 24, moved to Margate in 2018 and has lived above the shop for a year.

Speaking about the area, he said: "I really enjoy it. It's really multicultural, which I like. If you want a specific type of shop we've got it."

But he did find the news of its new fame "quite shocking".

Head to the monthly Cliftonville Farmers Market to pick up local and regional produce or answer those tummy rumbles and thirsts at bars, cafes and restaurants - Forts Coffee, Lillie’s Tapas Bar, The Tap Room or Ouma’s. Can you complete the Dalby Cafe big breakfast? Take in the international food scene with grocery stores offering foods from a variety of cuisines.

RG Scott Furniture Mart is an aladdin's cave of everything antique, old fashioned and unusual.

Browse the vinyl at Cliffs before enjoying coffee, or head to Haeckels for your beauty products made from the local sea.

Stock up on artist supplies at Lovelys Gallery whilst browsing their latest exhibition or create your own masterpiece at Clayspace Studios. 

If it's entertainment you are after, catch a performance at the Tom Thumb Theatre,  fill your ears with the Isle’s vibrant music scene at The Libertines’ The Waste Land bar, or learn a new skill at Rosslyn Court’s  workshops

Cliftonville bandstand not just a place for sunday summer concerts but also outdoor cinema, markets and seasonal events.

Take a dip in the invigorating Walpole Bay Tidal pool - a 100-metre wide, 1930s leisure pool where the locals love to go. (*Please follow all safety guidelines for sea swimming here)

Great food supplies at International Foods in Northdown Road.


Every day something new appears, and it’s here that you can scratch the surface of some of the town’s artistic community.

Don’t take our word for it, see what Time Out suggests for their perfect day out -

Wake at the iconic Walpole Bay Hotel and walk along the beach to the Aroma’s for the town’s best fry-up.

From there, head underground to explore the Margate Caves and the mesmerising Shell Grotto before grabbing an epic focaccia sandwich at Forts.

Vintage Shops

MAPS Northdown Road’s vintage shops

Browse Northdown Road’s vintage shops and galleries, stopping for drinks at Margate Off License and Daisy, before a boogie at Margate Arts Club.

Vintage Shops

MAPS Sunny’s Northdown Road’s vintage shop

“It all begins with whatever t begins with! A gret place to find yourself on a getaway is Cliftonville. It’s got everything close at hand. Great places like Cliffy can make all the difference.”

— Nick