A place to nurture and make something special of.
Let’s look at these unique aspects and take inspiration.
‘The Gables’ has been a center-piece of Norfolk Road since it was built in 1900.
Today the 9 apartments are set out in a generous formats, with great potential for truly comfortable living.
The newly refurbished flats retain unique, spacious communal access and grounds which set it apart. Locally we have some great places to relax and shop.
It’s a beautiful piece of local history and current freeholders engage frequently in the sympathetic upkeep, restoration and improvement of this wonderful Cliftonville home and historic much loved building.
Take time to chat… make friends share stories, life is short and can be sweet…
The Gables development
Planning permission sought for frontal loft area.
Writer Nick Garrett. 17/02/2025
I am one of the 2 resident ‘landlord’ freeholders applying for the permission F/TH/24/1431
Seraina Baumgartner. Nick Garrett. (Landlord freeholders BERRY HOUSING SERVICES LTD).
There are 9 ‘tenanted’/Leasehold flats with 125 year leases (issued from 2018-19).
My intention is to clarify and alleviate uncertainty around some of the concerns expressed, regarding proposed restoration of the loft rooms. Important factors such as disturbance and noise during the building stages are issues that can be addressed, minimised and to a great extent resolved.
Concerns include disruption and the addition of waste system on existing pipe runs and see this space as negative, smaller property.
Currently there are 2 sets of waste water run offs. The lower coastal side system serves the majority of the flats. The Northdown Road side serves flats 8, 5, 1 and 3.
The loft flat would branch into Northdown Road side as this side sees lighter use.
Before work commences preparatory work will include installation of site sound proofing, with primary intention to install sound proofing insulation to the existing ceiling and loft floor to act as a buffer and safeguard.
The materials will be high quality vibration absorption matts, Sound block floating floor panels, with additional soft roll-in matting and the installation work is largely silent.
The result will be a permanent sound barrier of 85 DCB reduction.
I would also like to clarify the national and local stipulations for min sizes for flat development as set out in this guide:
Referring to page 8 of the above document:-
... the Council considers that self-contained units, with an overall
floor area less than the following dimensions are too small for separate habitation:-
*Self-contained two bedroomed flat - 50 sq m (538 sq ft)
(iii) Size of Rooms
The Council believes that the above ‘minimum room sizes’ are necessary in order to safeguard the standard of accommodation within the District.
It has always been our design intention to create a quality spacious new home.
The proposed flat overall dimension is 66 square meters (above the requirement), and in all areas of the interior/room design, offers a flexible room arrangement, both comfortable and practical, which would including superb light fall, and a practical laundry utility room.
This has been over the past 2 years an intelligent, thoughtful design-led project. At each step SEARC (architectural design) completely befitting of this historic building.
The loft area housed staff quarters from the time of original building. The continuation of the existing staircase accessing the bedrooms was removed some time in the 1960s. Presently there are the 3 main rooms remaining in the loft today.
During recent refurbishment works c2018 the loft was used to store building waste and T&G wood used in the original bedroom partitions but removed during roof timber refurbishment works 2017-18.
Since 1900 there has therefor always been a loft dwelling but has only recently been closed off.
The original panelled walls and timber flooring remains.
Works are not likely to start until 2026-27.
As shared owners we share concerns and impact: we also want to keep solutions and ideas open and free of misunderstandings. As refurbishment and restoration professionals (NGS Signwriters London) we regularly work in demanding, luxury site settings, and are fully aware of the short term disruptions and expectations to be met.
In the past I have installed 2 loft extensions in other home improvement projects, requiring extensive alterations and steel insertions. This was at a time when I too had a young family and was a concerned parent, and so from that process and experience I have some assurances to make here.
I am empathic to what has already been commented on regarding this project over the past 12 months but disappointed that the tone became negative in the absence of any open, respectful conversations and dialogue.
My intention is to be a considerate, supportive neighbour and help maintain quiet enjoyment for all in Norfolk Road.
First part of the works were started by creating a secure loft hatch, clearing 400kg of disposed wood from the loft area. Works conducted by Margate Clearance Ltd and took 6 hours, with all areas plastic sealed and full on-point clean completed by 6.30pm on the same day.
The removal was impeccable with only a few retouches to paintwork required.
Per annum and on a monthly basis, we as freeholders personally clean, retouch and keep the communal areas in pretty close to immaculate condition.
The installation of a dwelling will require a steel structural framework.
The continuation of the existing staircase, will unfortunately incur disruption, and clean up. As a live-in owner, also do not look forward to the stair-case installation phase of works which will last a week or so. and will aim to seal off dust, and make immediate full site clean-ups whenever necessary.
The new dwelling floating floor will be set suspended above the existing structure of the apartment 7-8 ceilings and the existing loft floor.
It will therefore have no contact points with the existing ceilings.
I will instruct contractors to design and divide this installation into 3 phases.
These 3 sections aim to minimise noise and interference by reducing work blocks wherever possible – rather than install the whole area in a single phase. We can aim to time works with vacations for example so that tenants on 2nd floor can be away at time of works.
Section 1. Centre. Sections 2-3 Left and Right. This section 1 first phase of work, will take 2-3 weeks and the incumbent noise will be minimised.
Having completed the preliminary sound-proofing, the noise of the installation process itself will be significantly lowered.
The new floating flooring section will itself be a fully soundproofed panel, which will actually act as a barrier, sealing off the noise from construction works above and below, to a very large extent.
Once the floating floor is installed the sound barrier will become effective.
The nature of this installation type of works does not involve a large extent of the type of machinery for example necessary for ground works.
Most of the works are cut/trim/fix.
Tenants of flats 7-8 will be assured that any noise will end at 4.30pm each day. That the sound proofed ceiling and further the new sound proofed floor panel above them will act as sound barrier.
The timeline of new loft floor installation will total maximum of 4-6 weeks.
As shared owner and occupier of the house we too are committed to keep our neighbours safe from intrusion and at all times are open to explore ways to help make concerns solutions.
We have the intention to offer the use of the apartment to the residents for visiting family and friends to use for concession rental fees throughout the year. One of the rooms can also serve as a communal studio and office.
In the event that planning is declined, the upper roof rooms, having been part of the original house will be used either as office or storage space - offered again to the Gables house.
We are available to discuss, but having experienced abuse and anger from previous tenants, will reserve the right to ask for polite exchange, and arranged to take place ideally by Zoom.
Contacts can be made in writing or via the website www.gableshouse.org
I hope this assists the understanding of works.
If you are feeling confused or concerned please email me at:
Nick Garrett.
Our Location CT9 2HX
Beautiful Cliftonville
A Charmed, Calming Coastal Life.